Dr. Jensen Anesthesiology & Pain Board P.R.E.P.
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Best Medicine for Pain Boards!

Pain Course Video
The Pain course, conducted about one month prior to the American Board of Anesthesiology Pain Management Examination, will simulate the actual exam in terms of pacing and topics. It relies upon the same focused format which has been so successful against the Written Board examination, namely a question-answer, testing format. The questions are focused specifically on topics tested and the answers are designed to efficiently review relevant information. There is simply no better format for this purpose.

The course will be taught by anesthesiologists Board certified in pain management and whose clinical practice is devoted to pain medicine. It will be a highly focused, intensive session intended to make Pain Boards successful, pleasant, and worthwhile.

Ranger Comment:

"I found the pain course to be focused upon the exam, just what I needed to push me over the top on the test. The test itself encompasses many areas which I don't deal with on a regular basis so it was important that I have these reviewed in the weeks leading up to it. Dr. Cataldo is an excellent instructor. It turned out the questions were right on the beam. As with the Written Boards, the course nicely previewed the actual test. Thanks for all of you help. I don't have any more tests to take, not for a long time to come. Thanks."

Niels F. Jensen, M.D.
Anesthesiology Board PREP
Post-graduate Review and Educational Programs
The Best Medicine for Your Oral,Written,MOCA and Pain Boards: Books-Courses
235 Lexington Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa 52246
800-321-PREP (7737) | 319-337-3700 | FAX: 319-341-9818
http://www.anesthesiologyboards.com | email: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com