Dr. Jensen Anesthesiology & Pain Board P.R.E.P.
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Dr. Jensen Oral Board Courses/Hotels

The Oral Board tutorial is the #1 course of its kind for the Oral Boards, as measured by its popularity and by the success of participants. It is three days of intensive, simulated mock Oral exams. Each participant takes a number of oral exams and listens to hours of others. The course moves along quickly so the entire range of cases is previewed. It is the only course which achieves this goal. In addition, the course is designed to be at least as tough, if not tougher, than the actual exam. Remember, "Smooth waters do not make skilled sailors." (West African Proverb) True confidence comes with competence and skill and developing this is the goal of the program. The course gets you ready, preparing you to jump higher and run faster than necessary on the day that counts. "We aim above the mark to hit the mark." (Emerson). The dates for the Oral courses are as follows:

If you worked with me for the Written, you are very, very close to having what you need now - command of the content domain of the ABA. So I urge you to continue to work now with Big Red, concentrate upon the listed differences between the books, call any time with questions, and know that I again stand ready to be your best Wingman for the Orals. In this spirit, "Onward to Victory!"

Oral Courses 2023
Note: All Oral courses now include Big Red
Dallas Extra DaySept 1-3, 2023See Oral Prices

Register Today!

Typical Daily Course Schedule

Thursday-Friday 0800 Course Begins
  LUNCH (One Hour)  
  1800 Course Ends
Saturday 0800 Course Begins
  1200 Course Ends

Sweet Victory!

"Your course is excellent, simply the best for Oral Boards. I went to another course and used another book last time which attempted to copy Big Red. The instructor really liked hearing himself talk--always trying to impress us with his knowledge. He forgot we were the ones being tested! In addition, no one teaches outlining a stem question as well as you do and this was very helpful."
"I tried them all and your program is clearly superior. Your experience is unparalleled. Big Red, Spiels, and Ranger Red provide the best home study materials and overall integration with the course. The course is the only one which previews the entire range of cases. In addition, I felt you were not trying to be nice and make friends so much as really test and prepare me for the battle ahead. Your course was actually tougher than the real exam. After you, I was totally ready for the aggressive examiner. If anyone is wondering about another course, give them my phone number and have them call me first."

Niels F. Jensen, M.D.
Anesthesiology Board PREP
Post-graduate Review and Educational Programs
The Best Medicine for Your Oral,Written,MOCA and Pain Boards: Books-Courses
235 Lexington Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa 52246
800-321-PREP (7737) | 319-337-3700 | FAX: 319-341-9818
http://www.anesthesiologyboards.com | email: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com