Dr. Jensen Anesthesiology & Pain Board P.R.E.P.
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"How I Passed"Oral Exam -05 Insights and Reviews



To: <njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com>

Subject: Board Certified!!!

Date: Mon, 21 Feb 09:52:16 每0500

Dear Dr. Jensen,

This letter is to give you my most sincere THANK YOU.  Please forgive me for taking so long to write.  I took my Oral Boards last April and found out that I passed by the end of May.  At first I was just basking in the glory and relishing the thought of an entire summer without having to study in my free time.  I owe you such a debt for giving me my life back.  I don't know where I would be if I had not discovered your web site.  You got me through Written and Oral Boards.  I was at your January conference last year for Oral Boards and you told me I was 95% there.  I thank God that you were right.

In early August I found out I was pregnant.  I had lost a baby the previous Spring right after attempting the Orals the first time.  From testing after losing the baby we found out that I have developed a clotting disorder which has required me to take a lovenox injection in my stomach throughout this pregnancy.  This along with several other complications required me to take a leave of absence from work. 

The fact that I am Board Certified gives me job security and peace of mind while I am on this leave so I can concentrate on the health of my baby.  We are expecting our third healthy baby boy in early April. 

I am forever grateful to you for helping me to finally get to this point in my life.  I recommend you to anyone who needs the assistance.  If there is ever anything I can do for you to help in the work that you do please do not hesitate to ask.

Thanks again and always,

Ranger M.




To: "Niels Jensen" <njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com>

Subject: A Ranger Reports

Date: Sun, 15 May 23:22:55 -0400


I have waited for a very long time to see my name listed as a ※Diplomate of the American Board of Anesthesiology§; now that the scores are out, it is.  My path to this point has been more twisted and long than some.  Without your help, friendship, and support it would have been even longer.

When I walked into the room for the orientation I expected to feel the tenseness and collective apprehension you told us about.  Knowing about this helped me desensitize to it.  Then we got our first case.  Mine was an OB labor epidural in a VBAC with uterine rupture written ALL over it. 

Sometime between then and sitting down in the first room I lost the ability to speak.  Not talk, speak - as in I could not think of words.  It may have been the opening.  They said, "Here, the Board wants you to have a glass of water."   And sitting on the table was a fresh glass of water.  Sounds calming, but all it did for me was bring to mind one of my partners for whom they actually stopped the test last year and told him to get a drink in the bathroom.  He took the test this year, also. 

They did not want to go into the bowels of the question but wanted to talk about a 'wet tap' , drug dosages and the difference between an epidural vs. sub-dural vs. sub-arachnoid injection.  About 10 minutes into the test I was certain I had failed, but like you taught us I kept swinging.  Honestly, I had already begun making plans to attend again somewhere else.  During this time I thought I was doing a wonderful job presenting and felt sad there was no content.  When that ordeal ended I stood, shook hands, thanked them and beat a hasty retreat out the door so they could laugh in peace. 

The second room was assuredly harder for some but for me it was cake.  An 85 year old with remote history of MI and infrequent CHF with renal insufficiency, an enlarging 7 cm AAA and a BP of 185/100. 

Not only did you write about that case, not only did we hear a similar case at the course, but I did it the week before in my practice (and for us that is a normal case).  But here  again I couldn't speak.  They asked about the BP and I said you have to think of ...... it starts with an "A"....and the second word starts with an "I".......We both know that spiel and its three parts.  Then things got better.  Not good, but better. I did not regain the ability to speak normally for some three frustrating days after I got home.

The point of this long missive is to thank you.  Without your coaching, materials and hand shake for luck the results would have been very different.  Of that there is no doubt.  There are two things every Ranger needs to know; trust your coach and believe what it says on the front of Big Red.

Niels, this Ranger isn't going home.  I'm still out here doing what we do - studying to be a better anesthesiologist, and treating my patients with dignity and to the best of my ability.  Also, I hope to never forget that we treat and God cures.


Ranger Jim






Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 23:24:59 EDT

Subject: Good news!

To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Hi Dr. Jensen,

I wanted to take a quick moment to let you know that you may now add another pass to your column of success.  I passed the Oral Boards!  I truly believe that it is all because of your great Board PREP.  I would have been totally blind-sided by them had I not been so thoroughly prepared.  Once again, your advice was right on the mark!

My first exam was a breeze!  The examiners were interested in finding out my knowledge base instead of terrorizing the hell out of me.  The second room wasn't so fun.  My examiners were a "bow-tie" and a very prim, severe looking woman.  The initial case went well, but as the exam progressed, the "bow-tie" became more and more aggressive and downright hostile.  I held my own, and thankfully did not become intimidated or flustered.  About the time I began to feel rattled, the knock on the door came.  Had I not been so thoroughly prepared, I probably would have left in tears as I did at your first board prep. 

I thoroughly feel the two preps were essential.  The first one (early on as per your suggestion) left me sufficiently shaken that I returned home and really dug in my heels.  I worked exceptionally hard and did so much better on the second prep.  Having improved that much and with the new knowledge as to how to approach the aggressive examiner, I was able to go into the real exam with sufficient confidence and courage to get the dastardly deed done! 

Thanks so much again.  I truly believe I would have NEVER achieved Board status without your help.  Stay the course!  You are truly a godsend.

You had mentioned an interest in looking at my cards.  I will mail them to you this week.  It took me awhile to gather them up from all over the house, car,  and everywhere else I studied.

Thank you so much again, and I will definitely keep in touch.


Ranger Judy





Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 19:15:17 -0400

From: Dr. S.

Subject: hello

To: //njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Respected Dr Jensen,

I am really happy to inform you that I did pass my Oral Boards & would like to THANK YOU & all the other Doctors who have taken their weekends for helping us.

I came to both of your courses-Written & Oral- & both were of great help.

The most important thing is relief for the next ten years--freedom to enjoy weekends & vacations while feeling proud.

Yours truly,

Dr. S.





Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 18:55:32 -0400

From: Dr. A

To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Subject: V-Day

April 15

Dear Dr.Jensen

Ranger A here reporting for the Dallas platoon. Yesterday we hit the beaches of Ft. Lauderdale and we hit them hard. It appears we were able to infiltrate the primary compound and complete the objectives assigned.

I felt confident about my answers. They where direct, efficient, and without deadly mistakes. It appears I sustained minor gun shot wounds, but no head shots or lost limbs.

Later on that day I buried my ID band in the sands of Ft.Lauderdale beach in memory of those who did not survive and those who will finally be able to get on with their lives.

I wanted to thank you for your great coaching and encouragement. A good teacher not only teaches the pertinent material, but is able to instill confidence and courage. With courage and confidence I did not panic and I was able to accomplish my objective even while being tested by the president of the ABA! Even if I failed due to some stupid discrepancy, I would have known I failed trying and I could hit the beaches again next year with full force.  Once again, thank you and I will certainly let you know if I deserve to be promoted.    




May 16, 2005:

Notification was received and I am worthy of diplomatic status and full promotion!  I believe 90% of the exam is presentation and 10% of the exam is "Red Line issues". There were many topics on which you helped me sharpen my knowledge and, more importantly, helped me organize in order to present efficiently. I believe this is what it is all about. I also felt knowing as much detail as I did on selected topics set me apart from the rest of the examinees. 

I really cannot thank you enough for your excellent review sessions and, more importantly, your personal dedication to those who continue to struggle. I will attempt to do my share and contribute as much knowledge and experience as I can towards this unfair but essential cause.

Ranger A

Dallas Platoon 2005






There are many firefights up ahead, no doubt. . .but I can walk away from this one!  I PASSED, praise the Lord, I'm done!

It is exhilarating news to tell you, but I passed my Oral Boards!  Both T. (whom I studied with the past few days before the exam) and myself passed.

I wasn't going to write until after I got the letter, but I known about passing since last Friday. I thought it too brutal to look up online, but then one of the attendings in my Department who also happens to be a senior examiner asked me: "Did you know this?" "Know what?" I replied. He showed me a web site on his laptop and I had no clue what he was talking about, not even after I saw my own name on it. I thought it was some sort of real estate listing or something related to my wife and I looking for a house... Needless to say, I put the champagne in the refrigerator the same day!

Today is Norway's independence day, I am off from work, and celebrations were just so much sweeter!  We are having smoked salmon, scrambled eggs, rolls, cream cake, chocolate cake and friends over--just like in the good old Norwegian tradition. Everything is looking up!

I would like to thank you for coaching me through all of this, and for being the stronghold I could identify with - and for giving this exam a face. I will try to remain good to my resolve and submit comments on Big Blue - but first, I will enjoy my newly found freedom as a promoted Ranger should long awaited leave, I'm finally home!

My very best regards,--Dr. G



Hi Niels. 

I am happily writing to let you know that although it was not easy, I passed the Oral Board.  I read Big Red 5 times, practiced with friends and professors at UCLA, and attended your terminal tutorial in Ft. Lauderdale. 

My first room was a breeze.  However, I was met by two aggressive examiners (pit bulls!!) in the second room. They had me on my toes the entire time, constantly challenging my every answer.  They prepared well for the exam, often knowing what my answers had to be before I gave them.  Then, they attacked the answers.  However, because of my preparation, I was able to maintain my cool (and not get flustered) and explained my way through them.  It was difficult at times to know whether they were testing my judgement and knowledge or flexibility.  I guess I must have made the correct treatment decisions.  In discussing my exam experience with friends, it appears that this is a common tactic on the examiners' part.

I don't know if you remember me, but I received a private exam from you.  You graded me as a marginal pass or fail because I made a killing error.  You thought that my presentation and fund of knowledge were "excellent."

Thank you.  We did it!

Dr. E.




To: <njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com>

Subject: Another Ranger Pass!

Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 18:44:35 每0400

Dear Friend Niels:

With your great help, I was lucky enough to have finished this process having passed both Written and Oral portions of the examination the first time through. 

I made it through Big Blue five times in addition to a Ranger training exercise paid for out of pocket during residency. (My Ivy League program forbid us from using educational funds for the Jensen Board Prep).  I passed despite the fact that the time I allocated for final prep evaporated when my practice asked me to start early--a common phenomenon. 

Oral boards were more difficult to allocate time for solid preparation.  Big Red, being one volume based on Blue material but focused especially on controversies, allowed me three reads in six months time despite being a junior in a busy practice.  This, plus a field training exercise, allowed me to participate in Oral Boards with confidence and pass.

Again, many thanks for the material and the wisdom through this difficult process.


Dr. C.




Hi Niels,

First off, I passed my Oral Board exam in April!!

I went in to the exam somewhat frightened, but PREPARED.

For the most part I took the examiners by surprise, took control of  the exam, and powered through the exam questions until none were left  and the senior examiner had to make some more up.

I couldn't have had such a great victory without the strong preparation from your courses.  I really think besides my own diligent study, the 2 Jensen Oral Board Review courses I attended  made the biggest difference.  It's like you say, there is no  substitute for going through a large number of exam cases.

As for the exam content, overall I would say it was simpler than what we practiced  in your courses.  The cases were more straightforward, the topics common,  and I found the most difficult questions to be the ones the examiners  made vague.  Asking for a repeat of the question or clarification tended to help a lot.  I had a case of an elderly gentleman with CAD going for TURP.  I was asked extensive questions about listing specific risk factors for this patient in relation to CAD.  I was told the patient was sent to a cardiologist for a treadmill and  returned with results that were equivocal.  My response was to send him back since someone thought he needed the work-up and ask for a different test.  I was asked which test.  I responded a stress echocardiogram because it is very sensitive and specific for  myocardial ischemia.  This satisfied the examiner so much it appeared  he was able to skip the next 3 questions (my perception anyway).  I was also asked about the risk factors in general for someone with  various heart disease issues going for an anesthetic.  I quoted the major risk factors as listed in the AHA study of (DAAV) active  Dyspnea (cardiogenic-CHF), malignant Arrythmias, unstable Angina, and  certain degrees of Valvular disease.  This answer also appeared quite satisfying.  I was not asked about the intermediate and minor risk factors and risk stratification of these patients.  If I had not  spent a week with in depth study of these issues via the Gold  Standard papers out there (2 of which I am aware), I might have floundered.

Dr. Rosenthal gave my exam group the "pep talk" prior to  examination.  He was the director of the examination process this  year.  He indicated that when asked a question we are to give a  direct answer focused on that question.  If asked what drugs you will  use for induction, it is not appropriate to run through the long  mantra of apply ASA monitors, pre-oxygenate, have airway equipment  ready and available, start an a-line, apply a modified V5 EKG lead,  etc. etc.  They want a direct answer.  The Board claims they are NOT  trying to trick us and want to truly assess our knowledge in a  straightforward manor.

However, with that being said I can also tell you the Board has STRICTLY instructed the examiners to have a stone face presentation, give no off the cuff commentary or feedback and not to stray too far from the root of the question.  And this is what surprised me and was one of the hardest elements to adjust too.  Taking this exam was like talking to a brick wall.  No feedback whatsoever.  One of my junior examiners had placed a cup of drinking water on the table in front of  me and offered it to me at the beginning of the exam.  I gulped it down and we started the exam.

As is typical of my personality the simpler questions were the more challenging.  After possibly exhausting the supply of questions at the end of one exam, I was asked about a case of laparascopic bariatric surgery.  Extensive detailed questions on the reversal of neuromuscular blockade.  After reversal and extubation in the OR (successful also) we are in the PACU with  unexpected respiratory failure with SpO2 of 70%.  I was trying to go through the hypoxia spiel but was being pressured by the examiner to  DO something immediately.  I said she needs intubation and  consideration of pneumothorax after laparascopic surgery.  I was then  asked what muscle relaxant I was going to use for the intubation.  In  a moment of absent mindedness I replied I would use the same one I  had used in the OR (cisatracurium).  He said, "Doesn't that have a  slow onset?".  I said assertively YES it does, gave the times in  comparison to other agents, and there was a knock at the door.  In retrospect I should have chosen rocuronium.  The trick of the question  is not to use succinylcholine after a deep reversal, even when that  is your first instinct in the PACU for reintubation.  I omitted  studying this simple topic in my preparation and almost was burned on  it.  Reinduction/reintubation is a great topic for an exam because we rarely do it.

Another topic in the TURP patient was detailed questioning about water intoxication syndrome and laboratory analysis and clinical diagnosis of it.  As it turned out my patient*s serum sodium was normal and therefore did NOT have water intoxication syndrome, but I had to demonstrate this during the exam.  I also had to indicate one advantage of a spinal over general for TURP was the ability to  monitor mental status.

Once again Niels, thanks for your help, sincere concern for this cause, and diligence in preparing us.  I had no idea how relieved I would be to get this behind me until it happened. I have to say the one thing which inhibited my performance the most on exam day was simply anxiety.  Anxiety the night before eliminated quality sleep, anxiety of the exam made me give a few stupid answers, and anxiety after the exam made me constantly vacillate between projecting a win  and lose.  In retrospect, having been through the process, I have to say if I had failed and had to do it again I would not be as anxious.  The whole process is no where close to being as big a deal as the world makes it out to be.  I would strongly encourage everyone to COMPLETELY take the ENTIRE 24 hours before the exam OFF from  studying.  Hard to do, but well worth it.

One word of caution for those coming behind me.  The ABA doesn't take care of you when making the hotel reservations.  This exam was located at a VERY nice hotel in Ft. Lauderdale.  Rooms on Travelocity  start at $500 / night.  the ABA discount was $280 / night.  The  problem is that the ABA does reserve a discounted BLOCK of rooms, but  only those used by ABA personnel and examiners are NON-SMOKING  rooms.  This means you can't get a guaranteed non-smoking room via the ABA arrangement.  I opted to go down the street 1 block and stay  in a Sheraton for less money and guaranteed non-smoking.  The room  was only marginally acceptable, but did serve its purpose.  The facility and room were no where near as nice as the Embassy Suites we stayed in during your Final PREP.  Thanks for picking a great hotel.

Niels, again, thanks.  Our teamwork was great.  I worked my tail off, but you provided the focus and insights crucial to my success.

Dr. L.





Date: Sun, 22 May 2005 00:07:15 -0700 (PDT)


Subject: Thanks for your help

To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com


Just a quick note to thank you for your support in passing my Boards.  I passed the first time through the Written and Oral exams; and feel it was your material and courses that put me over the top with each test.

Taking the Oral course EARLY was key.  It changed the way I studied.  I practiced out loud with friends from that point forward.  I felt like I came to New Jersey that weekend unsure of myself with my tail between my legs; and when I left on Sunday I was ready to go toe to toe with you and the rest of my examiners.  Dr. Berry would have been very intimidating without your course.  He asked me why this patient was hypoxic.  I gave him the top three possibilities. ※What else?,§ he asked.  I gave him the whole list out of "Spiels".  Again, ※What else§?  At this point instead of losing my confidence I found myself thinking... what's wrong with this guy (no offense)?  Anyway, learning and practicing poise amongst friends at the course put me on the road to victory that weekend.

I have already recommended your course to one colleague with battle wounds and will happily continue to do so.

Thanks again and continue the good work,

Your friend and colleague,

Dr. K.




To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Subject: Victory at Last

Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 16:00:30 +0000

Niels -

At long last the letter came yesterday informing me of diplomate status with the ABA.  It was a victory which came after great effort and I want to thank you most sincerely for the tremendous help you provided.

When the letter arrived this time last year with news of failure it was a devastating blow.  I can never remember suffering such a personal defeat.  However, if good came of this process, it is that in the past year I have gained better perspective about the people and issues which truly define me (and I can tell you emphatically that I am not defined in passing an absurd, unscientific and anachronistic measure set by the ABA).

Actually, Niels, I learned of success at the ABA's web site several days before the letter arrived.  Perhaps it was strange, but I kept this knowledge to myself for several days, savoring its sweetness.  I now realize even more how the struggle was within myself.  You have helped to teach me the importance and reward of 100% devotion and I wish you the best of luck in continuing to help others in this fight.

You and your program of study are most highly regarded and will be most highly recommended〞by me


Ranger Chris





To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Subject: thank you

Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 00:19:20 每0400

Hi Dr. Jensen,

I passed the Oral Boards and I want to thank you very much for your help.  As I said to you, your course and your way of coaching is excellent, professional and organized. I'm so happy and want to tell you that the examiners at the actual Oral boards were quite nice.

The coaching materials you prepared were excellent and I highly recommend your course to every one preparing for the Oral Boards.  Also, I want to thank your team, every one was up to the task. Many thanks to your assistant Christine.  She was so professional and accommodating.

Thank you again and hope to see you soon.--Dr. S



To: <njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com>

Subject: Oral Boards

Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 18:59:07 每0400

Dear Dr. Jensen,

This is Dr. K. who took your Written and Oral Board prep courses. Your coaching has helped me a great deal and I now passed my Boards on my first attempt.  Thank you very very much.

When I came the first time for Written Board coaching, I was very happy with your teaching. If one of the faculty members in my training program spent 1/10th the time you do teaching I would not have needed your coaching class. As it was, it was a Godsend.

Dr. K




To: <njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com>

Subject: oral board exam

Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 11:11:40 每0700

Dear Neils,

I took your Oral Boards course in Fort Lauderdale in April.  I was worried that I would need to rename the battlefield "Fort Slaughterdale!" I went through Big Red, Ranger Red and the CDs.  I took 2 extra exams, and I worked with a study buddy and we gave each other many mock orals.  I was away from my family for a 10 day stint- and it was worth it.

I took the Oral on April 15.  My first question was about a 60ish yr. old male, smoker, MI 8 mos. ago but with good exercise tolerance coming for a radical prostatectomy.  There were 2 pieces of info in the stem that were distracters/decoys from the enemy. This patient had a cordis in the subclavian vein without explanation as to why and second, he had a "BNP value of 300pG/ml"...I'm still not sure exactly what a BNP is, but anyway, the senior examiner was somewhat hostile and tried to kill my patient with hypotension intra-operatively and EKG changes and low urine output.  Thanks to TED FARIOS and other Spiels, I dodged some shots from the enemy snipers.  I took a flesh wound when I mentioned heparin as a possible cause of intra-op bleeding and hypotension.  They questioned me as to why I thought the patient had heparin on board and I had to back-peddle hard.  They pursued me when I went down that path, but I somehow managed to fend them off.  I used the tactics we talked about at the course.

The second case was much easier. two friendly examiners.

29 yr old female 130 kg 5'1" asthmatic, diabetic for pineal gland resection.

Outlining as you taught me saved the day!  I had a crystal clear plan for preop eval tests... and planned for awake fiberoptic intubation.  I anticipated their questions associated with this case and that put them on the defensive.  I answered their questions before they asked them.  They asked me to draw 2 graphs. cerebral blood flow versus CO2 concentration and cerebral blood flow versus MAP〞both right out of Big Red and 2 home runs out of the park!!  I happened to have reviewed your chart chapter as the final part of my study the night before the test!  Thank you, Niels.

Waiting for results was gut wrenching, but when I logged on the web site and saw "pass" I was so thankful and relieved I just about broke down.  My wife could not hold back.  It took 4  attempts to pass the Written but I passed the Oral on the first attempt.  My study buddy passed too (his second try).

Niels, thanks for the training. Your material cut out all the fluff of textbooks and clearly showed me what I needed to know for the Oral.  The mock orals are vital. I was scared going to battle, but I think all Rangers are.  My drill Sergeant trained me well and gave me the tools for victory over the enemy.  Thanks for that and for helping me achieve this great Victory!

Ranger T. -honorably discharged and going home.



Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 17:04:15 -0400

Subject: Anesthesia Orals

To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Dr. Jensen,

I just wanted to inform you (and thank you) that I passed the ABA Orals this past April!  Looking back, my attendance at your courses and practicing under "live fire" was most instrumental.   

It turns out that I needed every bit of preparation I achieved.  At the actual exam, I was tattered and battered such that I thought that I had failed the exam for sure.  The remedy for that in retrospect would have been more live Oral practice.  I was prepared to take the exam again next year and was ecstatic when I found out about my passing score.

This fall is the Pain Boards.  It'll require some preparation, but I don't anticipate the fear and uncertainty that I associated with the ABA Orals.

Thanks again for being available for my ABA Boards preparation.  Your materials truly made a vital difference in my path to Board Certification.

Sincerely, Dr. C.



Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 22:21:21 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: Oral Exam results-- YeeHaa!!

To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Dear Niels,

Thank you!  This Ranger has passed the Oral examination.  I felt really horrible when I walked out of the exam room in San Francisco.  The knowledge gained from Big Red, and from the two tutorials I attended (both in Chicago at the Hyatt Rosemont) were key to my passing. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart- you have been an excellent motivator (both by encouragement and fear!) and an excellent teacher.  I will always remember your coaching and your concern for me.


M., M.D.

Board Certified Anesthesiologist




Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 19:44:54 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: Oral Exams

To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Dear Dr. Jensen,

I took my Oral this morning.  No doubt, with your help, I did much better than last year. It felt so much better!

Attending your Final Prep helped me a great deal. Your Outlining ideas changed the way I used to dissect the stem question, especially the Red Line issues.

I looked and sounded more confident.  I had practiced using my hands and being more animated, looking the examiners in the eyes, and using my voice better.  Your feedback when I did a case with you helped me focus on my presentation and was invaluable.

I have done my best. I am hoping and praying that I'll pass. I put my best foot forward far better than last year.  I believe I won.

With best regards,

Ranger S., M.D.





To: "Niels F. Jensen" <njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com>

Subject: Diplomate American Board of Anesthesiology

Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005


My deepest and heartfelt THANK YOU for a job well done.  I could not have done it without your help.   You have stayed the course for many years and have many who owe you a debt of gratitude.  I am now one of those.  I only wish my friend Carlos would have told me of your course sooner.

When I read those first few words 'Congratulations*, my wife was at my side and it brought tears to my eyes for like so many others, I had developed a lack of self worth due to my previous failures and this has exacted a terrible toll on my family.  This is all finally behind me now, thank God.

I highly and without reservation would suggest that anyone who really desires to pass their Boards - commit time to reading Big Blue for the Written and Big Red for the Oral, attend the courses and listen to the CDs.  If they do, I can say for sure they will have eventual success.  Never quit, strive for excellence and win the war before the battle is fought. 

 Niels, I'll miss you personally, but not the process.  I do send along my very highest and heartfelt "Thanks".


Warrior P. M.D.


P.S. I hope you start doing a course down here in beautiful, sunny, and delightful Houston






Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2005 10:58:46 -0900

Subject: Re: Board PREP Order

To: Niels Jensen <njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com>

Dear Dr. Jensen,

I'm sure there are many letters coming your way regarding success of people passing the Oral exam.  I hope there are very few failures. 

Fortunately, I will not have to sacrifice another year to visit with "our friends," the ABA.  With your help, Victory is sweet!  Please celebrate with me!   This is as much a Victory for you and your program as it is for me.  I really feel that way.

Congratulations to you and your faculty for having such a finely tuned preparatory course.  I took your LA and Final prep courses and I sure did not regret it.   You gave me the ability to demonstrate the knowledge the Board is looking for.  You taught me how to take the exam.  Most of all you gave me the confidence to be successful.  By the time we finished, I was not going to be denied.  Thank you!

Could you please send a list of your Oral examiners who were at the SF course.  I would like to send them all my sincerest thank you.

Niels,  "You da Man." Thanks!

B., M.D.




Dear Dr. Jensen,

I passed my Oral Boards!  Sorry I am late informing you about it. I had written to you immediately after my exams that attending your course helped a great deal.

Attending the Final PREP gave me a lot more confidence.  Confidence changed the way I presented.  I was not as nervous as during my last exam. 

I have to mention the Red Line issues.  I think I failed last time because I didn't outline the stem the way you taught.  I keep thinking if only I had attended your course last time maybe I would have passed.  Anyway, I passed this time in-spite of facing the same examiner.  (I was shocked to start the exam with him〞the very same examiner.  But I didn't feel intimidated by him this time).

This is a huge relief for my whole family.  My husband and son are happy that I can spend more time with them.  I am going to India to see my father who has advanced prostate cancer.  (I didn't go

with my husband and son last summer because I was studying for this difficult exam.)

I can't thank you enough for coaching me how to take these exams (both Written and Oral) and helping to get this ordeal behind me.

With regards

P., M.D.




Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 17:37:11 -0800 (PST)

Subject: Sept Oral Boards

To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Dear Dr. Jensen,

Just wanted to let you know that I passed my Oral Boards on the first try this September.  Your course was definitely instrumental in guiding my review process and helping me to tackle the actual exam. Many friends and colleagues offered other suggestions as to how to pass the exam, but I stuck with Big Red, 2 review courses (April-Ft. Lauderdale, Sept.-Dallas) and lots of prayers!

Please let the Dallas staff know how wonderful they were.  The exams they gave were challenging, and the actual exam seemed like just another practice with them.  I really wanted to be one of the ones not to go before the group.  I had been an amateur concert pianist at one point and after a bad performance in college had developed a terrible case of stage fright.  The small Dallas class size and the professionalism of you and my peers helped me to overcome this--just in time!   Thank you and God Bless you and yours,

With gratitude,--J. M.D.




Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 5:51:38 -0500

To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Subject: VICTORY for Ranger V!

Dear Niels!

I just received the official letter from the American Board of Anesthesiology.  It started with CONGRATULATIONS!!! Very few times in my life I have felt so much happiness and relief... I feel like crying even now, weeks after hearing as I write this to you. 

I don't want to tell you thank you for helping me pass the Boards.  You've heard it too many times, I*m sure.

I want to tell you thank you for helping me to get my life back... And you are right: there is nothing like the sweet, sweet, sweet taste of Victory !  Remember my dream of taking my son to the US Open?  Soon, like so many other of my deferred dreams, it will become a reality.  Finally, thank God. 

Thank you, my dear friend Niels.  We did it.  We were a great, great team.  I wish we could celebrate together. 

My best wishes to you and your family.  I hope Hannah and Adrienne are doing well.

Good-bye--my dear friend, Niels.

Ranger V (ictory)!!!

P.S.: I'll see you for Pain Boards.




Dear Friend Victor!

Wow, wonderful, great, congratulations, you deserved it, and I could not be happier!  This is truly worth celebrating and I wish you were here tonight.  We should be just starting an evening of true, old fashioned fun.  After all, times like this just don't come around every day, my friend.

Well, well, well.  You did it, as I knew you would.  Last year was a very bitter pill for both of us to swallow, especially you.  I admired very much the way you hung so tough and handled that loss. 

Alex needs to know when he grows older that what his father did defines honor and courage under fire.  He needs to know his old man is a Warrior in the truest sense of the word.  

I hope perhaps we might go to the US Open together for a day or two with our kids.  Wouldn't it be grand?

Thanks for your great heart, trust, friendship, loyalty, and support.  I passed you the ball, and you hit the big shots in the key moments. 

I am so very proud of you tonight, my friend, and I know your parents are proud, too, wherever they may be. 

Best personal regards and with great fondness and friendship.  Onward to Victory!






Subject: good news

Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 01:24:45 -0500

Hi Niels,

Like many of your other students, I passed the Orals.  When I got in front of the class and you asked me about transtracheal jet ventilation in Chicago I really didn*t know much about it but was able to get through the exam.  You said you would have passed me.  During the actual exam, I got the EXACT SAME question and was able to nail it.

Thanks for your help!

R., M.D.




To: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com

Subject: RE: oral board

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 14:28:48 -0600

Hi, Dr. Jensen,

The letter of Congratulations came, and this Ranger is going home.  I did it on the first attempt. 

I am no stranger to you. I attended many of your classes in the past and the last one was the week before the Oral Board at the Holiday Inn Crown Plaza in SF.

You corrected my mistakes and more importantly you told me I have to buy a tie and jacket.  With your help, that of your staff, and almighty God, I passed my exam on the first attempt.  I really do want to thank you.

Best wishes to you and your family

Dr. L





Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 09:19:01 -0500

To: <njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com>

Subject: Re: Board PREP Order

Dr. Jensen,

I passed!

The Sept.26th offensive went off without a hitch.  After 4 Jensen Tutorials, my armor proved impenetrable.  After the first five min.'s of each assault they realized that they could not defend their lines.  The white flags went up, and then we had tea.

Even though I felt very prepared, the Final PREP was crucial for me. I had a major insurgency developing on the home front prior to the battle.  The Final Prep allowed me to refocus and prepare my weapons for battle.  However, since not trained at handling an insurgency I was taken-out by an I.E.D. upon return to the motherland.

Thanks again for all of your advise and encouragement during this critical and critically stressful time in my life. 



"Ranger Bill"

Dear Friend "Ranger Bill":

Thanks very much for writing and congratulations.  You did excellent at the courses and I'm sure you were one of the very top candidates they tested that week.  In other words, you weren't just a warrior when you went in there but rather a Delta force member.  Delta force elite fighters not only win, they don't take hostages--they literally destroy the examination.  I believe this is what you are describing and exactly what you did. 

I am sorry about your personal travails.  My only hope is that they are not related to stress of the examination.  To an extent we often don't realize, this process is very hard on our families and loved ones.  The chronic stress of this exam certainly fractures relationships and often, sadly, shatters them as well.  I hope this was not the case here and that you getting back any personal happiness which may have been lost for awhile. 

You are a winner in all respects, stay positive, it was a pleasure to get to know you, call me if I can ever be of support or help in any way, congratulations, and best personal regards,



Niels F. Jensen, M.D.
Anesthesiology Board PREP
Post-graduate Review and Educational Programs
The Best Medicine for Your Oral,Written,MOCA and Pain Boards: Books-Courses
235 Lexington Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa 52246
800-321-PREP (7737) | 319-337-3700 | FAX: 319-341-9818
http://www.anesthesiologyboards.com | email: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com