Dr. Jensen Anesthesiology Board P.R.E.P.

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Dr. Jensen Written Board Courses/Hotels

Dr. Jensen's Written Board review course hammers away at topics, questions, and key words in a question-answer format designed to closely simulate the actual examination. Specifically, the course simulates the exam in terms of likely question topics, accustoms you to the pacing of the examination, and tests your knowledge of likely topic areas so you can focus especially hard on these in subsequent preparation. We will cover approximately 1,000 Board-like questions, going beyond just answering questions to fully addressing critical concepts and related information. The dates for the tutorial are as follows:
Click here!

for specific Hotel/Location information.

Ft Lauderdale Jan 12-15 A Question Database
Boston March 2-5 C Question Database
Chicago April 6-9 A Question Database
Dallas May 11-14 A Question Database
NYC - New Jersey May 25-28 A Question Database
LA June 8-11 B Question Database
NY - New Jersey June 22-25 B Question Database
Chicago July 1-4 C Question Database

Course Tuition:
Staff - $995
Resident/Fellow - $740
(requires current Departmental letter and resident ID)

ABA Written Board Examinations:
Saturday July 8, 2006

"A" vs "B" vs "C": What's the difference and when should one take course(s)?
The "A" Question Database hammers away at topics, questions, and key words in a question-answer testing format. It simulates the exam in terms of likely question topics, accustoms you to the pacing of the examination, and tests your knowledge of likely topic areas so you can focus especially hard on these in subsequent preparation.

"B" covers different questions and answers but embodies the same, successful format as "A" - namely a question-answer, testing format. You don't need to take "A" to benefit from "B". Neither set of questions is any "better" than the other, they're just different questions. Both databases cover all of the relevant topics tested. In general, all things being equal, Dr Jensen recommends taking the course as early as possible because it changes the way one prepares for the test and provides insights regarding topics of strength and weakness which are best gained as soon as possible.

"C" covers different questions and answers but embodies the same successful format as "A" and "B" - namely a question-answer, testing format. You don't need to take "A" or "B" to benefit from "C". The questions in "C" are not any better than the questions in "A" or "B", but they are different questions and many who have attended "A" and/or "B" have found them very helpful. "C" is given closer to the examination and in this way is a "buff and polish" session, highly productive and useful in the 11th hour before D-Day. The Final PREP "C" program calms anxiety, provides a focused and structured environment, and very much gets the Ranger warrior in the "test-taking mode" which can be so critical to success.

Again, we are often asked which program is strongest. Our answer is honest and very simple: The courses are equal in strength. They are simply different sets of questions but many find they benefit from as much exposure to high quality questions and answers as possible.

Does the price of a course include home study materials?
Courses do not include home study materials, which are sold separately. A complete syllabus is distributed at Written and Pain courses and handouts are distributed at Oral courses. Home study is crutical to success however, so please consider being well-armed for the battle ahead.

Does the price of the course include transportation or hotel costs?
No. Each participant is responsible their own hotel costs and associated transportation.

When will the specific hotel and location details of a course be available?
Hotel contracts are signed 6 weeks before courses (to get optimal rates). Hotel and location information is then sent to all participants.

For more information about courses check out our FAQ

Niels F. Jensen, M.D.
Anesthesiology Board PREP
Post-graduate Review and Educational Programs
The Best Medicine for Your Oral and Written Boards: Books-Courses
235 Lexington Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa 52246
800-321-PREP (7737) | 319-337-3700 | FAX: 319-341-9818
http://www.boardprep.com | email: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com