Dr. Jensen Anesthesiology & Pain Board P.R.E.P.
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Dr. Jensen Written Board Courses/Hotels

Dr. Jensen's Written Board review course hammers away at topics, questions, and key words in a question-answer format designed to closely simulate the actual examination. Specifically, the course simulates the exam in terms of likely question topics, accustoms you to the pacing of the examination, and tests your knowledge of likely topic areas so you can focus especially hard on these in subsequent preparation. We cover hundreds of Board-like questions, going beyond just answering questions to fully addressing critical concepts and related information. The dates for the tutorial are as follows:

NYC/NJOct 21-23, 2022
DallasJanuary 13-15, 2023
DallasMay 26-28, 2023
DallasJuly 7-9, 2023
Course Tuition:
Staff - $1095
Resident/Fellow - $895
(requires current Departmental letter and resident ID)

Course Schedule: A special note about the hours of the meeting. The good news is this, and it creates a very favorable and enviable circumstance for you as a student trying to optimize Board preparation. While we must remain hungry and humble and not rest upon past successes, the simple fact is we'll get more productive work done targeted toward Boards, focused upon Boards, and vital to Boards in just one day than any other course I know of for the Written or MOCA Boards gets done in a week. This is a bold statement, I know, but is also truthful, as you will see, if and when you attend other courses.

Few, if any, other courses focus at all upon key words, old questions, keyword remembered questions, or the crucial Lock’nLoads topics we grapple with.

So, currently, we are ahead of the game. Our goal, therefore, must be to work hard, but also to give you as a student trying to assimilate this mass of focused information, an optimal chance to do so with hard and effective study at night.

When we work too late in the day, the vital work a student needs to do to command information presented does not often take place; it’s imperative there’s a balance between classroom work and individual study before and after class.

So after nearly two decades of tweaking and experimenting the most optimal daily schedule is this:

    1st Day: 0730-1600 with 30-45 minutes for lunch
    2nd Day: 0730-1600 with 30-45 minutes for lunch
    3rd Day: 0730-1800 with 30-45 minutes for lunch

I know that many courses set a series of flog sessions to show how hard they are trying. But, often, the trying should take place before the course on the part of the organizers and instructors to better focus and better teach. I believe you’ll find that tremendous work has gone into what we’ll do and that I’m pretty skilled at teaching the very bright and capable people whom I serve.

I should note that I have never had people tell me they mind having some time to study on their own, indeed, most often I am told, “We really appreciate getting out, the efficiency of the format, the program, and the day, because we need time to put all this useful information together before we get back to work.” This, again, is my sense as to what is best for you, as well.

Does the price of a course include home study materials?
Courses do not include home study materials, which are sold separately. A complete syllabus is distributed at Written and Pain courses and handouts are distributed at Oral courses. Home study is crutical to success however, so please consider being well-armed for the battle ahead.

Does the price of the course include transportation or hotel costs?
No. Each participant is responsible their own hotel costs and associated transportation.

When will the specific hotel and location details of a course be available?
Hotel contracts are signed 6 weeks before courses (to get optimal rates). Hotel and location information is then sent to all participants.

For more information about courses check out our FAQ

Niels F. Jensen, M.D.
Anesthesiology Board PREP
Post-graduate Review and Educational Programs
The Best Medicine for Your Oral,Written,MOCA and Pain Boards: Books-Courses
235 Lexington Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa 52246
800-321-PREP (7737) | 319-337-3700 | FAX: 319-341-9818
http://www.anesthesiologyboards.com | email: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com